Legacy API to REST API Migration Guide

This guide outlines the steps required to migrate from the legacy API to the new REST API for chargeback operations

Authentication Changes

  • Previous: Legacy refresh token API
  • New: REST API token generated from the Customer Hub
  • Action Required: Generate a new token from the Customer Hub before migration

Endpoint Changes

Request Format Changes

Previous Legacy Format

POST https://api.justt.ai/merchant-data-api/api/v1/extra-data
  // Your merchant data here

New REST Format

POST https://api.justt.ai/v1/chargebacks
  // Your chargeback data here with updated parameter names

Parameter Mapping
When migrating your requests, ensure you update the parameter names while keeping the same values:

Legacy ParameterREST ParameterNotes
[Old Param Name][New Param Name]Same value used

Error Handling

  • Legacy API returned errors in a proprietary format
  • REST API uses standard HTTP status codes with error details in the response body

Migration Checklist

  • Generate new REST API token from Customer Hub
  • Update API endpoint URL
  • Update request format from Legacy to REST
  • Map parameters to new names
  • Update error handling
  • Test the migrated endpoint